Graphic Designer
Stephen Weeks

José Simancas

Andy Napthine

CYP Europe


Product release

This page will show the graphics for the release of the new product the MA-421. I created all material while at CYP Europe.

Phase 1

After the initial steps I had to create the UI and pitch the concept to my team to approve.

Phase 2

Because we had the app out sourced we had a fair few restrictions in terms of what the could produce. The below will show some of the pages from a guide I gave the developers over in Taiwan.

Phase 3

Below is the final app design with some strong negotiations with the R&D app development team in Taiwan. Unfortunately, I would off liked to have more features and more of my design but with all things there needs to be a compromise.

MA-421 iPad view

Below is the app in action at our show in Amsterdam for the AV show that is ISE 2019

MA-421 Remote

Below is the remote that goes with the MA-421

MA-421 Essential Install teaser

A month before the release of this project we decided to release a video across social media and also a teaser revealing only the name and a slight indication on what the product is to stir up some interest. I went with the text from the teaser trailer to keep the content uniform.

MA-421 Double page spread Essential Install

Below is the final advert and close up for the MA-421. I added a diagram of how the product works within a home environment. I added a vectored 3D map to give it some more depth rather than looking like a simple blue-print. The advert needed to be more stylised than a technical mapping of the product.

Thank you for viewing my project